AXR applies the approach & training methodology of flight simulators to others in stressful and immediate response scenarios.
Better intuitive response training will improve decision-making capabilities confronting real life scenarios. Every second counts! The ability to practice RLS, (Real- Life Scenarios) can make a real difference in situations of life and death. AXR has created technology that will improve the ability of first responders to act and fight as in real life scenarios using all 5 senses and verbal judo- the practice of using words to prevent or end acts of physical violence and avoid situation escalation.
AXR’s technology incorporates Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, Artificial Intelligence & Big Data to simulate the ultimate environment for decision making training in stressful situations.Based on our vision of using all 5 senses and verbal judo methodology we created the ability to “Train The Brain”. The brain is the most important and flexible muscle in the human body as it enables us to act instinctively.